Download The Crew Gold Edition Game For PC
The Crew is a racing game by Ubisoft. Game is the first one in the series and there are more games likely to be seen in the near future. Game is all about racing, with high speed cars and roaring police at your tail. You must become the most skillful driver in the turf to survive. As it is not an ordinary racing game. Game is trendy, straight forward and entertaining then any other racing game ever released. Game has been released in 2014 for PS4, Xbox One and PC. There are different versions of the game like standard, gold etc but this version has more modes, new unlocks like cars, new races etc. Graphics are advanced and more detailed. Everything in the game is more updated with new features. Creativity is another word for the game's gameplay cause it is the fastest, moving and dangerous environment in the game. Police can engage in pursuits and can arrest you for speeding, Every single thing in the game has been developed with the most advanced engines and developing tools. Developers wants to give you a game that is sleek, smart, easy to play but difficult so this is the result. New cars like Camaro, Lamborghini, GTS, Audi, Bugatti and others are added as unlocks. You can customize your ride in every aspect such as brakes, engines, neon, paint jobs etc. These things can be applied by the money earned by winning more and more races. That is not so easy in the case as it is The Crew!
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:System Requirements:(Minimum)
- CPU --- Intel Core 2 Quad 2.5 Ghz
- RAM --- 4 GB RAM
- Graphics Memory --- Nvidia Geforce GTX 260 1 GB Graphics Accelerator
- OS --- Windows 7 64 Bit
- DDx --- DirectX 10
- Hard Disk --- 20 GB Required
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